Sunday, March 30, 2008

Lauren has taken her position as the eldest. She is strong and brilliant. She is sweet and kind. She looks after her brothers with grace and affection. When altercations arise she is level headed and knows how to do the right thing. She doesn't wear her heart on her sleeve. In fact, her tears are few and far between. However, she is the first to sob during sad movies or when someone close to her is hurting. She is always there for you when you've had a hard day with a smile and a happy thought.

Affectionately known as La-la and now The Big Sis.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Matt-Matt is born.

Matthew Boyd Haselden was born on Monday March 3, 2008. He arrived at 1:23pm just as his Father predicted. He weighed in at 7 pounds 8 ounces and was 21 inches long. Being the middle weight of all three of my children he still looked enormous on the warming table!! Michael and I were in absolute amazement and praised God for another beautiful brown haired baby! My Mom was able to witness Matthew's entrance into the world and was quite speechless-hard for my mom to be! The children were introduced to each other in the hospital room that afternoon where Lauren lovingly nicknamed Matthew, "Matt-Matt".

Our family of five came together on Wednesday night at home. The first days home are bliss! I have finally gotten what I've dreamed about my whole life...being the mother of three!
